Hi I’m Behnam Kaviani Vahid. I was born in Tehran at May 1966.
My primary & secondary schools were finished in Tehran at 1979. Continuing of high school took place in Lahijan, the tea city of Northern Province of Iran, Guilan.
At 1986 I entered in Pharmacy School of Mashad Univ. of Medical Sciences at northeast province of Iran.
The normal career of a student in the faculty was 4 years but of mine took about 10 years (from 1986-1996)!!
The main reason of such a long time was just because of a Pharm D thesis.
The title of my thesis was “Evaluation of honey bee venom in treatment of Rheumatic Diseases”.
There were a lot of obstacles to fulfill the scientific work of the thesis. For instance the situation of post war (1989) which consists of lack of up dated scientific Journals, internet, lack of sufficient budget for research works and so on….
After 18 months literature review and ordering journals from BL (British Library) / authors, we commenced our pilot plan work by hospitalizing 2 arthritic patients in rheumatology clinic of Imam Reza hospital.
However, the project was criticized by academic staffs, who declared bee venom therapy to be unscientific. They also claimed that if the technique had been effective, Pharmaceutical companies would have used it to develop medicines before the Iranian researchers did, and there would have been at least one U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved medication to present to the pharmaceutical markets.
Moreover, apitherapists were viewed by most academics as unethical for treating patients with live bee stings. Despite these criticisms and problems, bee venom therapy, using live honeybees, began in 1989 in the department of rheumatology at Imam Reza Hospital.
The results of treating two patients were presented at 1990 in a regional congress in Ahwaz, the capital of Iran’s South West province, but were rejected by the congressional officials. In 1992 the same results were reported to an international seminar on Natural Toxins in Singapore and were accepted for presentation at the opening ceremony.
After receiving dramatic results from two arthritic patients (one with Rieter syndrome and the other with RA), following jobs should be done to complete the investigation:
1- Collecting Honey Bee Venom (HBV) without harming the bees
2- Standardization of HBV
3- Formulating and manufacturing a medication from HBV
4- Selecting volunteer patients with inform consent declaration
5- Implementing a double blind controlled study on the volunteer patients
To fulfill above mentioned jobs,
at first we innovated an electrical shock device for collecting HBV. Milking of Bee venom with electrical shock- which does not kill the bees - was the first time in the country with no previous knowledge of it.
We patented the device and we supposed the collected Honey Bee venom (HBV) to be used in pharmaceutical dosage form. The route and method of standardization of HBV has been illustrated in the article printed in Journal of Natural Toxins at 1995.
The work continued in Razi Institute by using standardized and sterilized HBV to formulate and manufacture of 3000 human injectable vials in 4 dosages.
These sterilized freeze-dried vials had been prepared and passed all of its QC tests in 1993. But unfortunately the paper work in the governmental section has not been finished yet!! It’s good to know that similar job was announced to be done by FDA & Multiple Sclerosis Association in 1994!!
The work continued in pharmacy school by manufacturing an ointment from HBV in 1993. The formulation passed very well but the obstacles to industrial manufacturing made it useless till now.
Finishing the pharmacy school in 1995 with abnormal unexpected prolonged Pharm D thesis (about 5 years) was continued by working in Pharmacy industry with sterile products (SVP, Vials…) which took about 8 years from 1997 to 2004.
In 1996 I prepared few of results to participate in
3rd congress of honeybee which was held by ministry of
agriculture (Jihad) . Although, the abstract rejected by
the authorities of congress, I was invited for the other
occasions to present my articles.
To help patients who need apitherapy for their
treatment, I translated the book " Health and Honeybee"
by "Charls Mraz" in to Persian.
The routine job continued from 2004 by working in the new industry in Iran “human plasma industry”. This plasma center named BioDarou, which constructed via technology transferring from a German company named Biotest AG. Establishment of the center as first private plasma center in the Middle East region occurred by hard team working. We were 4 pharmacists who performed the technology transferring and nationalizing the job in Iran. The center was fully GMP approved by EU health authorities. The latest certificate dedicated to the company was issued 2008, which authorized the company to export human plasma (source plasma) to all European Union countries.
I had following responsibilities in this company:
Quality Assurance Manager
Qualified Person for final releasing of Plasma units
Head of Education department
Person responsible for Look Back
Following certificate has been issued after instructing few experts in Ministry of Health by formal
invitation of me to instruct.

Simultaneously the Bee Venom Therapy was performed for volunteer patients free of charge all of these years. Between those patients who have been treated, one was prominent who suffered from Multiple Myeloma and was supposed to be alive just for 6 months after his latest chemotherapy, but he continued his life for 8 years. The illustration of treating that patient has been published in Journal of the American Apitherapy Society at March 2006.
Participating in Apitherapy congresses and sharing the experiences is one of my interests to help the patients.
